Golfer’s Elbow
What is it?
Golfer’s elbow (medial epicondylitis) is a condition that causes pain and tenderness around the inner side of the elbow joint. The condition is called golfer’s elbow because it is associated with repetitive, forceful gripping and twisting activities of the wrist and fingers – a common activity with a golf swing. It also affects people who play sports that involve throwing such as cricket and baseball – as well as climbers or manual workers. However, the condition can affect anybody.
Usually, golfer’s elbow is usually caused by overloading the tendon that attaches the muscles in your forearm to the inner side of your elbow joint. These muscles are the ones that cause your wrist to bend and twist, and fingers curl. The pain is usually triggered by actions that require gripping such as bending the palm downwards and rotating the forearm inwards
Changes to the structure of the tendon cause pain and tenderness to occur around the inner elbow joint, usually, close to where tendons attach to the bone, but discomfort can also be felt into the forearm.
The site of golfer’s elbow
Picture from Versus Arthritis shows a right left elbow and the common site for golfer’s elbow.

How to manage it?
Golfer’s elbow is usually the result of overloading the tendon that attaches the forearm muscles to the wrist.
It is a condition that most people can easily self-manage at home, with the right combination of:
- Relative rest
- Modify your activity – you may need to change the way you lift or carry things for a short period of time
- Painkillers if necessary
- Ice or heat therapy
- Exercise – stretches and strengthening
- Steroid injections are no longer routinely offered for the treatment of tennis elbow as there have been studies to suggest they can make symptoms and outcomes worse in the long term.
Simple painkillers
Painkillers like paracetamol will ease the pain, but need to be taken regularly in order to control the pain. Always follow the instructions on the packet.
Anti-inflammatories like ibuprofen can help with swelling, and therefore help you move more freely. Topical (applied directly on the affected body area) anti-inflammatories are recommended initially. Follow the instructions on the packet and discuss using them safely with a pharmacist, especially if you have any underlying health conditions
However, you should not take ibuprofen for 48 hours after an initial injury as it may slow down healing.
Up to date guidelines can be found on the NHS website:
Other medicines can help to reduce inflammation, swelling and pain. You should discuss this with your GP if the simple pain relief advice does not help or if you are needing to take ibuprofen for more than 10 days.
Ice or heat therapy
Heat may be helpful in the form of a hot water bottle, wheat pack or hot shower. This can help to relax the muscles around your elbow and may allow exercises to be more effective.
For ice therapy use a damp cloth containing an icepack (or bag of frozen peas) over the top of the painful area to help numb the pain. Leave it on for up to 20 minutes and use up to three times a day.
- You should be cautious using these treatments if you have altered skin sensation or circulatory problems.
- Check the skin regularly during and after the ice pack application
- Stop if there is excessive pain, numbness or tingling
- Do not put ice directly on to the skin as this may cause a burn.
Wrist extensor stretch
Start with your palm of your hand down towards the floor. With your opposite hand take hold of the back of your hand and fingers.
Bend the wrist towards the floor. Try to straighten your elbow fully.
You should feel a stretch on your forearm and elbow. This should not be painful.
Hold the stretch for 30 secs and repeat little and often throughout the day.

Wrist flexor stretch
Start with the palm of your hand facing up. With opposite hand, take hold of palm of your hand and fingers.
Bend the wrist towards the floor. Try to straighten your elbow fully.
You should feel a stretch on your forearm and elbow. This should not be painful.
Hold the stretch for 30 secs and repeat little and often throughout the day.

Eccentric strengthening exercise
Start with your arm supported on a table. Try to have to elbow straight. Hold on to a small weight (e.g. bottle of water) with your wrist extended and the back of your hand towards the floor.
Slowly lower the weight towards the floor.
Use your opposite hand to return to the starting position.
Repeat 15 times. Rest for 60 secs. Repeat x 3.

Concentric strengthening exercises – perform this once the eccentric exercise is comfortable
Start with your arm supported on a table or your knee. Hold on to a small weight (e.g. bottle of water) or resistance band. The back of your hand should be towards the floor.
Raise your hand up towards the ceiling as far as is goes then lower, keeping your forearm supported.
Repeat 10 times. Rest for 60 secs. Repeat x 3.

If you find that you are not improving, some advice or treatment from a physiotherapist can be helpful in managing golfer’s elbow. Visit the patient self referral form to self-refer to a physiotherapist.
How to prevent and manage future flare ups?
As golfer’s elbow is often caused by overloading the tendon that connects your wrist muscles to the inner side of your elbow joint, the key to helping the condition is to take care when carrying out activities or sports that place pressure on the tendon with repetitive or forceful gripping.
It takes time for your body to get used to a new activity and tendons take longer than muscles to adapt. So, it’s important to pace yourself and if in doubt, take advice from a physiotherapist.